



我覺得重點還是在"生活"本身,人生有無限可能,不要被自己的學歷套住了才好。不過,還是非常感謝爸媽們捺住焦急的性子,耐心等待。如果他們知道鐵壁對於寫博士論文的譬喻,一定會暈倒吧! 想知道的人,我把它寫在dedication 之後了,不過因為十分不雅,所以先以無字天書形式標明,欲讀者要反白。


The author would like to dedicate his dissertation to Chy-yun Liu, the lovely and supportive wife of the author at all times, to thank her for her whole-hearted company with the author.

The author would also like to thank his parents ( Dong-chiang Chen, Tsai-ling Yang, Sheng-li Liu, and Huan-chu Wu) for their devotions, for the family has been the greatest moltivation to push this dissertation forward.

At last, as a father of two, the author would like to dedicate his heart to Megan and Marcus, for they completed this dissertation in a way that they had never imagined.


鐵壁有云: 寫論文就像試著在一個房間裡填滿大便,如果你能忍受臭,一天大一坨,不必有多少天賦,只要有恆心,就能夠把它填滿。

我想,我就是不能忍受臭吧! (媽!在此鄭重聲明,大便無關天賦喔!再說我自己一直有 x祕 的宿疾//......)



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